There comes a time in the life of every man and women out there where they start wondering, is a a healthy body enough? Is that all I want to achieve in life? well, the answer is always a straight, loud and clear -NO-. If you are part of this group, read on as we at sevenhealthytips headquarter have brainstormed the most amazing list there could ever be when it comes to advices to keep a healthy mind!
You do not need sugar, I repeat, you do not need sugar
scientifically speaking, brain cells keep going when there is a constant supply of glucose, also known as blood sugar. This of course doesn’t mean a diet full of jelly beans and cola drinks are the healthist things ever, as these will cause a sharp spike in blood sugar levels, closely followed by a downward spiral, causing poor concentration, low energy and irritability. Foods that are low on sugar such as nuts and seeds, vegetables and legumes (eg baked beans) are the best brain food since they contain the right amount of nutrients for your brain.
Drink Water. Drink Again!
Brain tissue is is made up at least 75% of water. It makes good sense to keep both body and mind well hydrated. Drinking a glass of water is the equivaent of a watery orgasm to your brain. Studies of brain tissue of people with dementia have shown evidences of mild dehydration. All the more reason to make sure you drink plenty of water and herbal teas.
Relaxation Is Awesome
Stress is basically number 1 enemy of your brain, besides saturated fats, that is. Meditation increases the relaxing, relaxing decreases mind activity and this ultimately means your brain is fully rested. Switch on the parasympathetic nervous system by simply learning to belly breathe. Breathe deeply into your lower belly, expanding the abdomen below your belly button on the ‘in breath’. With the (slightly longer) ‘out breath’ allow the belly to sink back towards your spine.
Stay Positive, You’ll See It Helps
Very often your state of mind is dictated by negative self talk. Destructive thoughts as ‘I’m such a duffus… so forgetful…. Never finish anything properly… blah blah blah’ are bound to affect mood and how one responds to life’s ups and downs. Affirmations are positive phrases you repeat throughout the day to ‘wipe out’ and superimpose on negative thoughts. For instance ‘I am an organised person who achieves my goals’.